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Friday, May 29, 2009

The Creator's Awesome Creation

We serve an awesome God whose creation is really precious, as we see in the book of Genesis. The Lord describes how He created all things and the beautiful relationship that He shares with the world. Everything which we see with our eyes and also the things which are not seen with our naked eyes are created by Him and for Him.

According to the Ten Commandments, everything was created in those first six days by the Mighty Creator. In Genesis, we notice how the creation in first three days is beautifully interlinked with the Lord’s creation in the next three days. In the beginning God created the Light on the very 1st day, while on the 4th day He created the Lights (i.e. Sun-Moon-Stars).On the second day God divided the waters from the waters to create sky and the sea, while on the 5th day He created the living creatures of the air and water (i.e. birds and fish).The 3rd day God created the land and vegetation, and on the 6th day God created living beings of the land (i.e. animal and man).GOD gave the livestock for man (the very image of God) to have dominion over them.

Genesis 1:26-29 describes that man is the greatest of all the creations of God. God out of his amazing plan created all things needed by man in the first five days of His creation before creating His own image - the man. Thus in God’s creation, it is briefly explained how the very basic needs of man are compared with light-land-sea. The first chapter in the book of Genesis shows God’s concern for man whom He created in His own likeness.

Truly God’s love is abundant toward us.
From birth I have relied on you; you brought me forth from my mother’s womb. I will praise you.” Psalms71:6

God made every provision for us even before we were created. How marvelous are the works of our Lord! And above all he even today takes perfect care of his creation.

"How many are your works, Lord!
In wisdom you made them all;
the earth is full of your creatures
." Psalms104:24

Praise The Lord.

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