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Thursday, December 6, 2012

End of the World: Mayan Calendar Ending on Dec. 21st 2012

Does The Bible Talk About The End Of The World In 2012?




What does the Bible say about 2012?


This question is driven by at least 3 things, probably more.

There is much talk about the Mayan calendar ending on Dec. 21st 2012.


 Some have speculated that because it does not go past this date, that the end of the world is predicted in 2012.


Some have taken predictions made by Nostradamus and said the He prophesies that the end of the world will happen in 2012.

However both the Mayans and Nostradamus have little to do with what does the Bible say about 2012.



The Mayan's and 2012

The Mayan Calendar Ends in 2012

Do you remember the Mayan's?




Those are the guys that believed that the sun was a god, and that in order to keep the sun fuelled, you had to do human sacrifices.


Hmmm those sound just like the type of guys I want to give credibility to in predicting the end of the world. They had a calendar. It stopped showing dates on December 21 2012.

Could it be that the guy writing the calendar got tired of his job or even got sacrificed to fuel the sun and that is why the calendar stops?



Nostradamus and 2012

Some call him a time traveller. I call him a space cadet!


Nostradamus was a man born in 1503, an ex Jew converted to Catholicism He was a medical practitioner of those times.

He is accredited for being a seer, astrologer, prophet and a time traveller of all things.


He wrote a large volume of doom and gloom prophecies primarily talking about death and war.


His followers claim, although after the fact, that he predicted the French revolution, the rise of Hitler, the assassination of JFK and of the Challenger explosion.

It is easy to tie predictions to things that have already happened.


The bible could be misused in this way as well.




The Bible and 2012

What does the Bible say about 2012?


The bible has been, and is in places, a prophetic book.

It predicted the birth of Jesus, the rise of various empires including the Roman empire and it predicts the end of the world coming.


However what makes the bible different from the Mayan's and Nostradamus is that its predictions were written over hundreds of years by different authors of whom most never met the other.


 It has both short-term prophecies that were fulfilled within the lifespan of the contemporaries of the day, and others that have yet to be fulfilled.


 It has proven itself to be reliable as a prophetic book.


The problem most people have is that they try to find secret codes or hidden secrets within its pages rather than just read it as it is written.

They use mathematical codes, or come up with symbols that mean nations or events ect.


This was recently seen with the Harold Camping fiasco that happened this spring.

But there have been others that have taught their interpretation of the biblical prophecy, rather than just teaching the prophecy.




So what does the Bible say about 2012?

Do you really want to know when the world will end?

Read my lips!




All the hub bub comes from fringe wacko's and new age cults.

 If you were worried maybe you are listening to too much late night programs!


Have a great day and sorry you got worked up about squat.


No one knows the hour or the day... not even the Son of Man...

That day will come as a thief comes in the night.....

Matt 24:36



Be Watchful..


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