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Friday, September 28, 2012

Jesus Died for Mary Too / Mary did you know - Mark Lowry



Mark Lowry, a Chris­t­ian come­dian observed that Mary's silence at the cross always amazed him.

If he were being cru­ci­fied in the mid­dle of town, his mother would have "pitched a fit", but Mary never said a word.

Lowry won­dered if maybe what made the dif­fer­ence for her was remem­ber­ing back to that first Christ­mas, remem­ber­ing touch­ing his lit­tle hands and feet and count­ing his fin­gers and toes.


On a seri­ous note, Lowry says:



"I won­der if she real­ized then that those were the same fin­gers that had scooped out the oceans and formed the seas.
Mary prob­a­bly counted those lit­tle toes - I won­der if she real­ized that those were the same feet that had walked on streets of gold and had been wor­shipped by angels.

Those lit­tle lips were the same lips that had spo­ken the world into exis­tence.
When Mary kissed her lit­tle baby, she wasn't just kiss­ing another baby
- she was kiss­ing the face of God.

three years later she's stand­ing on a hill­side watch­ing blood pour from His veins, from the side of her own son… and she didn't open her mouth.
What a great tes­ti­mony to the fact that He wasn't just a great prophet, He wasn't just a great preacher, He wasn't just a great teacher, He was the virgin-
born son of God.
He was our Sav­ior. And… He didn't just die for us, He died for His own mother.


The baby boy she had deliv­ered on that first Christ­mas was now on a cross deliv­er­ing her."





Mary Did you know?
Mary, did you know that your baby boy

would one day walk on water.


Mary, did you know that your baby boy

would save our sons and daughters.

Did you know that your baby boy

has come to make you new;

this child that you delivered

will soon deliver you.


Mary, did you know that your baby boy

will give sight to a blind man.

Mary, did you know that your baby boy

will calm the storm with His hand.


Did you know that your baby boy

has walked where angels trod?

When you kiss your lit­tle baby,

you kiss the face of God!

Oh, Mary, did you know?

Oh, Mary, did you know?


The blind will see, the deaf will hear

the dead will live again.

the lame will leap, the dumb will speak

the praises of the lamb.


Mary, did you know that your baby boy

is Lord of all creation

Mary, did you know that your baby boy

will one day rule the nations.


Did you know that your baby boy

is heaven's per­fect lamb?

This sleep­ing child you're holding

is the great I am.




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