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Monday, June 10, 2013

In the blistering Cold

- Anonymous



The day dawned but there was no sight of Sun hitting the horizon. The Winter was at its fullest potential blazing streams of cold waves across the city.


The elderly and the young had their own problems with the chilling cold.


In the midst of all these chaos and confusion; there was a man with a mission to proclaim the good news. He boarded off the train and started walking towards the exit.


His body shivered with the sudden decrease in temperature…. He was not prepared for the havoc….He had only a blanket that could hardly shield his body from the heinous bone-chilling cold….


Slowly he started feeling pale by the strenuous effects of the cold waves and longed to find a shelter….. his whole journey was in jeopardy as he felt that he couldn't stand the nature's blaze….


As he was pondering over these thoughts of fighting the cold and over his own issues and concerns; Suddenly he heard a weak and feeble voice that cried for help…


As the voice of despair kept growing into his ears; he moved in the direction the voice came…


And there he found the source of the cry… it was an elderly man in his 80's unable to adhere the cold; was stuttering with unbearable pain and hurt…..


It was a scene of agony and despair….. the old man was helpless and needed immediate attention and care…..


Having understood the need…. The Missionary man started pulling his shoes further towards the station exit….


He said to himself; "I have nothing to give the suffering man, I myself have only a blanket that could hardly protect me… Even if I grant it….it wouldn't meet his need…" and then as he left the man and headed towards the stairway… the missionary heard an audible voice saying;


"Go and give your blanket to the old man…"


Immediately the Missionary recognized the voice and said   "Lord my God.. you know it all… I have nothing to give."


The Lord replied; "What about the blanket?"


Missionary said; "Lord.. I have only this blanket to protect me….. And you know it."


The Lord answered saying  "Would you do the same.. if I was the one in that condition."


As those words were spoken; the man was moved with compassion and rebuked himself for his selfishness and headed towards the suffering man.


He took hold of the old man and covered him with the blanket and having said a few words of hope and comfort he left the place to his mission field.


Later in the day; after completing his chores he returned back to the station to catch the last train.


And to his astonishment!!! he saw a huge crowd gathered around the place where he had met the old suffering man.


In utter anxiety he ran towards the spot and having moved through the crowd.. he found the old man gasping for breath and struggling for life…..


And when the old man sighted the missionary; he cried out saying: "God, My God…." And shedded tears of joy…… the missionary also wept and took the old man in his arms…


The crowd was startled and couldn't understand what's going around.. As the old man was passing through; the Missionary led him to Christ through the prayer and Gospel…


The Old man with much delight surpassed the chains of agony and journeyed towards heaven…..


The story doesn't end here….


The startled crowd questioned the incident and the missionary threw the light on what had happened the very morning and proclaimed the Gospel of the Kingdom…


Many souls were moved and today they are grateful for all that happened over that very hour..


This is a real story which happened in the life of Bro. Augustin Jebakumar who heads the mission at Bihar (GEMS)…..


"When we love God and obey His voice irrespective of the circumstances… we are sure to fulfill His will in our lives…."




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